MOJACAR BOWLS CLUB is the only bowls club based in the resort of Mojacar Playa. Situated behind the ServiGroup Marina Mar Hotel, it offers an outdoor six rink carpet green, with stunning views of the picturesque Mojacar Pueblo, as well as the rolling hills and sea views of Mojacar Playa.

This small club welcomes all levels of bowlers, with training and mentoring provided for beginners. Open all year round, roll-ups take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday mornings, from 9:30am, with a 10:00am start. Dress code is whites with the option of black shorts/trousers/skirts, red club shirts to be worn for all competitive matches.

Known as “The Friendly Club”, the members seek to balance the game of bowling with the social side, providing opportunities to meet new people and become part of the Mojacar Bowls Club community. A few hours gentle exercise, followed by a drink and chat with your fellow bowlers in the clubhouse and bar is an idyllic way to spend a morning.  

The club was founded in 1996, originally set up as La Mata Garden Bowling club. The club moved to its current location in 2014, following investment in the new bowling green by Mojacar Town Hall Council, supported by the ServiGroup Marina Mar hotel. The club was renamed Mojacar Bowling Club, and has continued to improve and enjoy the current facilities including a clubhouse, bar and terrace area.

The club has approximately 80 members, some of whom live in Spain, and others who visit the club regularly, usually over the winter months.  All members and day visitors are welcome to attend roll-ups as often as they choose. The club also attracts visitors from other bowling clubs, whether on an ad-hoc basis or as part of an organised trip.

The club prides itself on developing both new and experienced bowlers, providing the opportunity to enter in-house competitions and league matches, for the more competitive bowler. However, the emphasis is on having fun in the sunshine and enjoying the bowling and the friendly company. Bowlers must be registered with the Federation Andaluza de Bolos (FAB) to play in competitive matches.

As well as the bowling, the club arranges regular social and charity events, lunches, quizzes and occasional days out to visit and play other clubs within the region. In turn, other clubs regularly visit Mojacar Bowls Club from the U.K. and Europe, often staying at the ServiGroup Hotels Marina Mar or Marina Playa, both offering attractive accommodation rates for visiting bowlers.  

The club has a committee of volunteer members, working together to ensure the clubhouse, grounds and equipment are all well maintained, offering a high standard of facilities for bowlers, within a safe environment. The Committee is always open to new ideas to improve the club and the facilities and events available.

The club is located at Avenida del Mar ,7 Urb Marina de la Torre, Mojacar, 04638 (behind Hotel Servigroup Marina Mar).   Any interested bowlers are always welcome to visit the club during a roll up to meet the members and get a flavour of the bowling. 

For more information about Mojacar Bowls Club, contact Jen Cothier, (+34) 634 346 035, email: [email protected] or Click here

Updated 25th July 2024

Directions to Mojacar Bowls Club:

Travelling along the AL-5105 from Mojacar towards Garrucha, cross over the Rio Aguas bridge and then turn left at the junction adjacent to the Hotel Marina Playa and other Hotels (A small signpost is positioned on beach side of road pointing to Mojacar Bowls Club).

Continue up the hill for approximately 200 metres, the Mojacar Bowls Club is situated behind the ServiGroup Hotel Marina Mar.

 We are the only bowling club located in Mojacar.

GPS co-ordinates: N 37.15690.  W -1.83058

Hotel accommodation

Special accomodation rates are available for visiting bowlers at the nearby Servigroup Hotels; Marina Mar and Marina Playa.

For Information & Bookings (+34) 965 855 900 / From UK: 0845 094 2449

Hotel Marina Mar: (+34) 950 548550. [email protected]

Hotel Marina Playa: (+34) 950 548500. [email protected]