6th Anniversary Two Woods Triples Open Championship 2020
Here are the the Team selections and Order of play for our 6th Anniversary Two wood triples Open Competition.
But first it’s the Rules..
Teams will be drawn into four groups A,B,C and D groups A and B will start at 10.00 and play 8 ends a bell will ring after 50 minutes after which no jacks can be set,
Groups C and D will start at 11.00 as above.
Groups A and B will then play a second game starting at 12.00.
Groups C and D will start there second game at 13.00.
Groups A and B will then play a third game starting at 14.00.
Groups C and D will start there third game at 15.00.
Teams A and B will start at the Mojacar end.
Teams C and D will start at the Garucha end
World Bowls rules apply plus, Jack knocked out of play one shot to opposition. No visits to the head.
Games will start with the bell, jacks to be set before the bell.
No jacks to be set after the 50 minutes bell.
On completion of eight ends please send jack to opposite end for the next group and leave the rink so the next game can start.
Cards to office after each game, and please agree score with opponents
1 point for each end plus 3 points for a win or 1 for a draw,
Winner is the team with the most points. if a tie, Most ends won over the 3 games wins. If still tied best shot difference will decide.
Semifinal will be a three end shoot out between A v B and C v D
Final will be a three end shootout between semi-final winners
Good luck everybody, may the best Team win.

Second half of Draw 1st Matches Start 11.Oclock

Order of Play list